Tildannet stykke
Form som en meget grov "håndkile", noget flad, bred i den ene ende, spids i den anden. Den ene side består helt af skorpe; den anden med grove afspaltninger. Grå kvartsit. (Verbal beskrivelse)
Primær fremstilling. Se indsamlingskommentaren. Det antages, at fund- og fremstillingssted stemmer helt overens. Materialet er tidligt førhistorisk, men en nøjere datering fremgår ikke af protokolteksten.
Washington D.C.
Prehistoric Middle Atlantic States, U.S.A.
Fundet / indsamlet
Indsamling. Washington D.C, USA - Protokoltekst: er antageligt dels forarbejder, dels affaldsstykker (palaeolithic relics) fundet 1887 nær Washington (DC). Om lokaliteten skriver Dr. W. J. Hoffman, Smithsonian Institution, følgende: "We do not yet thoroughly know the geologic age of the Washington palaeolithic relics (the Columbian type, as it might be termed), as they were discovered so late in autumn, that the snow came before anything definite could be learned. The relics are found in the talus at the base of the strata (everywhere) of the Columbian gravels, but not on the top of the superlying soil. If they occur on the ancient river drift (B) and beneath the soil (A), we will learn soon. It would appear as if the relics had become reposed from that horizon. These rude relics are found only at exposures when the drift formation contains cobble-stones or boulders, large enough to be utilized in making them, thus giving the locality the appearance of a quarry, or better, a source of supply. Two hundred metres east of this locality, where the formation is of a gravel og sandy character, no a single specimen has been found. The specimens which I send you represent complete relics, flakes and partly finished specimens, just as we find them on the surface of the soil in the valley, where the sand has been washed off and left them exposed."
Oktober 1887 - December 1887
Washington D.C.
Prehistoric Middle Atlantic States, U.S.A.
Indgået i samlingen
Gave. Protokoltekst: Sagerne afsendtes 1888 af Hoffman til Museet gennem Prof. Japetus Steenstrup; indgået i museet 1924 Journ. 92/24.
Etnografisk Samling
Kvartsit (grå)
Længde 12 cm, Bredde 7 cm, Tykkelse 2,5 cm
  "id": 149060,
  "samling": "Es",
  "identifikation": "O.5177",
  "betegnelse": "Tildannet stykke",
  "klassifikationer": [],
  "alternativeNumre": [],
  "beskrivelser": [
    "Form som en meget grov \"håndkile\", noget flad, bred i den ene ende, spids i den anden. Den ene side består helt af skorpe; den anden med grove afspaltninger. Grå kvartsit. (Verbal beskrivelse)"
  "materialer": [
      "part": "175787",
      "type": "kvartsit",
      "farve": "grå"
  "maalinger": [
      "part": "232173",
      "type": "Længde",
      "vaerdi": 12.0,
      "enhed": "cm"
      "part": "232174",
      "type": "Bredde",
      "vaerdi": 7.0,
      "enhed": "cm"
      "part": "232175",
      "type": "Tykkelse",
      "vaerdi": 2.5,
      "enhed": "cm"
  "haendelser": [
      "id": "Es-1069043",
      "titel": "Accession",
      "undertitel": "Gave",
      "beskrivelse": "Protokoltekst: Sagerne afsendtes 1888 af Hoffman til Museet gennem Prof. Japetus Steenstrup; indgået i museet 1924 Journ. 92/24.",
      "starttid": "1-1-1924",
      "sluttid": "31-12-1924",
      "lokalitet": {
        "koder": []
      "id": "Es-1069044",
      "titel": "Fund/Indsamling",
      "undertitel": "Indsamling",
      "beskrivelse": "Washington D.C, USA - Protokoltekst: er antageligt dels forarbejder, dels affaldsstykker (palaeolithic relics) fundet 1887 nær Washington (DC). Om lokaliteten skriver Dr. W. J. Hoffman, Smithsonian Institution, følgende: \"We do not yet thoroughly know the geologic age of the Washington palaeolithic relics (the Columbian type, as it might be termed), as they were discovered so late in autumn, that the snow came before anything definite could be learned. The relics are found in the talus at the base of the strata (everywhere) of the Columbian gravels, but not on the top of the superlying soil. If they occur on the ancient river drift (B) and beneath the soil (A), we will learn soon. It would appear as if the relics had become reposed from that horizon. These rude relics are found only at exposures when the drift formation contains cobble-stones or boulders, large enough to be utilized in making them, thus giving the locality the appearance of a quarry, or better, a source of supply. Two hundred metres east of this locality, where the formation is of a gravel og sandy character, no a single specimen has been found. The specimens which I send you represent complete relics, flakes and partly finished specimens, just as we find them on the surface of the soil in the valley, where the sand has been washed off and left them exposed.\"",
      "starttid": "1-10-1887",
      "sluttid": "31-12-1887",
      "lokalitet": {
        "koder": [
          "Prehistoric Middle Atlantic States (NM3)",
          "U.S.A. (U.S.A.)"
        "angivelser": "Washington D.C.",
        "koderAsString": "Prehistoric Middle Atlantic States (NM3), U.S.A. (U.S.A.)"
      "id": "Es-1069045",
      "titel": "Fremstilling",
      "undertitel": "Primær fremstilling",
      "beskrivelse": "Se indsamlingskommentaren. Det antages, at fund- og fremstillingssted stemmer helt overens. Materialet er tidligt førhistorisk, men en nøjere datering fremgår ikke af protokolteksten.",
      "sluttid": "1-1-1000",
      "lokalitet": {
        "koder": [
          "Prehistoric Middle Atlantic States (NM3)",
          "U.S.A. (U.S.A.)"
        "angivelser": "Washington D.C.",
        "koderAsString": "Prehistoric Middle Atlantic States (NM3), U.S.A. (U.S.A.)"
  "billeder": []